Snippet :
#!/usr/bin/python print "\n###############################################################" print "## {{{ Text To Hexa }}} ##" print "## {{{ HEXA To Text }}} ##" print "## vir0e5 -[ Rahman Surya ]- ##" print "## vir0e5 | NKRI ##" print "## STMIK DCI Tasikmalaya ##" print "## Notice : BOYCOTT MALAYSIAN PRODUCT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS!!! ##" print "############################################################### \n" from Tkinter import * from binascii import * class AsciiHex: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master) frame.pack() frame.master.title('Text to Hexa by: vir0e5') self.lascii = Label(frame, text='Text:') self.lascii.grid(row=0, column=0) self.lhex = Label(frame, text='Hexa:') self.lhex.grid(row=0, column=3) self.tascii = Text(frame, width = 45, height=16) self.tascii.grid(row=1, column=0, rowspan=2) self.thex = Text(frame, width = 45, height=16) self.thex.grid(row=1, column=3, rowspan=2) self.bascii = Button(frame, text='Text->Hexa',width = 10, height=1, command=self.asciihex) self.bascii.grid(row=1, column=2) self.bhex = Button(frame, text='Text<-Hexa', width = 10, height=1,command=self.hexascii) self.bhex.grid(row=2, column=2) self.footer = Button(frame, text='Exit',width = 10, height=1, foreground='blue', command=quit ) self.footer.grid(row=7, column=2) def asciihex(self): self.thex.delete(1.0, END) a = self.tascii.get(1.0, END) l = len(a)-1 w = 0 while l>w: ascii = a[w:w+1] ascii = b2a_hex(ascii).upper() + ' ' self.thex.insert(END, ascii) w=w+1 def hexascii(self): self.tascii.delete(1.0, END) r = self.thex.get(1.0, END) l = len(r)-1 u = 0 while l>u: ahex = r[u:u+2] ahex = a2b_hex(ahex) self.tascii.insert(END, ahex) u = u+3 root = Tk() app = AsciiHex(root) root.mainloop()
aduh gan, ane kaga ngarti phiton..